Our special service on Sunday 9th of October from 10.30am will be to celebrate 50 years of the United Reformed Church. The service will be followed by an international meal
Order of service:
- Call to worship
- Introduction
- Hymn R&S 123 think of a world without any flowers
- Girl’s Brigade Prayer
- The bible as storytelling of God
- Reading Colossians 1: 19-20 CoY
- Telling our story
- Hymn R&S 117 O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
- The Story of Christ Church URC over 50 years
- Guides and Brownie Prayer
- Hymn R&S 124 We plough the fields
- The Story of harvest
- Prayers from the world and Lord’s Prayer
- Hymns R&S 268 Jesus is Lord, creations voice proclaims it
- Blessing
- Grace
- CoY hand out gifts to each member of the congregation