Support us

Growing the kin-dom of God


We are created in God’s image. Therefore we are designed to be generous. Just as we should always pray, “Lord make me more loving and truthful,” so we should also pray, “Lord make me more generous”. The aim of our generosity is to partner God in mending this broken world. This may happen through Christ Church or any other organisation or initiative or individual. Therefore the important fact is not so much where we give, but that we give. Every act of generosity anywhere anytime that helps realise God’s dream for the world is a holy act! You are invited to consider Christ Church as a further opportunity to be generous so that we may fulfill the dream of God in and through this community.

Giving Options

By Direct Debit

To set up a direct debit please contact our treasurer Martin [email protected]

Give a One-Time Gift

For a one off gift you can either use BACS or our Give Button

Bank Details

For a BACS Transfer

Metro Bank

Sort Code 230580

Account Number 22302684

Our Giving 

Christ Church is a registered charity with charity number 1131806.

It gets its income from a combination of renting out halls and regular donations from the congregation, we do not get government grants or funds from the wider URC. We support a lot of other charities both locally and worldwide and we never aim to ‘make a profit’ but to support our mission to be a worshipping, welcoming and proclaiming Christian community, wishing to learn, grow spiritually and serve its local neighbourhood whilst being alive to the needs of an ever-changing world.

With Cash

When we return to the church building cash can be placed in the baskets during the service.

By Cheque

Cheques can be made out to:

Christ Church URC

Send to:

Treasurer at Christ Church

Tudor Way

Petts Wood




Give Online

You can give online via GoodHub online

got any questions? just get in touch!

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