Please join us in person and on YouTube for worship every Sunday from 10.30am.
On Sunday 11th August our service is being led by Mr Mark Dennis.
Order of service:
Welcome and Notices
Call to worship
Hymn: R&S 49 Sing praise to the Lord!
Prayers of praise; confession; The Lord’s Prayer
Theme introduction
Hymn: R&S 731 You are before me, Lord, you are behind
The tune ‘Chilton Foliat’ (RS 485) may be preferred for this hymn
Offering and dedication
Prayer for the children as they leave
Old Testament reading: Isaiah 6: 1-8
New Testament reading: Matthew 14: 22-33
Hymn: R&S 367 I want to walk with Jesus Christ
Sermon ‘Three prayers worth praying’
Hymn: R&S 413 What a friend we have in Jesus
Prayers of intercession
Hymn: R&S 620 For the healing of the nations
The tune ‘Rhuddlan’ (RS 626) may be preferred for this hymn
The Grace
Please join us for refreshments after the service. All welcome