Solace Services
Meditative services
Solace @ home
SOLACE is led by Chris Fosten. SOLACE is a calm, structured space for quiet, reflection and prayer. Each session lasts about 40 minutes, which includes some time to settle into your space, go through your day with God using an Examen prayer, reflect on a poem and an exercise based around a short Bible reading. There are two periods of 15 minute silence built into each session – you shouldn’t need to pause or anything else during the time (unless you feel you want more time for one of the sections).

You’ll need a candle to light (if you have one) and a Bible, but nothing else – instructions for the exercises will be on the screen to help you, but if you want to read through them or give them a go in advance Audio Solace resource sheet
We have a playlist of all our services.
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