Regular Church Activities
You are welcome to join in the weekly activities
Contact [email protected] for any further information
Click on the icons to explore further

Indoor bowls
Tuesday Bowls
Indoor Short Mat Bowls
Indoor Short Mat Bowls
Tuesday 2-4pm
We meet in the Kingsbury Hall
every Tuesday for fellowship, bowls and a cuppa tea
You would be most welcome to join us
Contact John Rich for further information

Tuesday Toddlers
Tuesday Toddlers
Fun for Toddlers
Tuesday Toddler
FULLY BOOKED waiting list only
Every Tuesday 10.30-12.00pm
Come along and spend some time with other families and toddlers
Toys and Friendship
£1.50 per adult
Age range under 3’s
Contact Sue for booking (essential)

Monthly Book Club
Monthly Monday Book Club
Reading, discussion and FellowshipMonthly Monday Book Club
1st Monday of the month 8-9.15pm
1st Thursday of the month 2pm
We usually meet in the home of one of our members
We read a range of novels, biographies, poetry on the broad theme of spirituality, whether that is found in nature, a good deed, a challenging experience.
Join us for a discussion on the book, a cuppa tea/coffee and fellowship
You can find the info on the latest book we are reading on our
You would be most welcome to join us
Contact Fiona & Martin for further information

Weekly coffee Stop
Weekly Coffee Stop
Tea, coffee and Fellowship
Weekly coffee Stop
Every Friday 10.30am-12:00
In the Lounge (access via the Willett Way Car Park)
We meet for a hot drink and
sometimes we even have homemade cake!
It is a time to catch up, fellowship and connect
£1 suggested donation
For any further information
Contact [email protected]
All are welcome

monthly messy Church
Monthly Messy Church
Fun, fellowship, spiritual nourishment for families
Monthly Messy Church
We meet on the
4th Sunday of the month at 4-6pm
In the Kingsbury Hall
We do craft, a time of
worship with singing,
and then share a tea together
Donations welcome
For any further information
Contact [email protected]
and for the latest
All are welcome

Thursday Lunches
Weekly Thursday Lunches
Fellowship, friendship and good food*New lunch goers welcome*
Weekly Thursday Lunches
We have lunch every Thursday
In the Marlborough Hall
@ 1pm
We have a freshly cooked
main meal and a pudding
And a cup of tea
Cost £3
Contact w[email protected]
for further information


Meeting togetherBrownies
1st Petts Wood East Unit
From 7 – 10 years
8th Petts Wood East Unit
From 7 – 10 years
6.30 – 7.45PM

Girl Guides
Girl Guides
Meeting up
Table Tennis
Table Tennis
Fun, friendship and Fellowship and table tennis
Wednesday Table Tennis
Every Wednesday 10.00-12.00pm
We meet in the Marlborough Hall
Come along for a few games of table tennis, equipment provided
Fellowship, fun and a bit of friendly competition
Contact Linda for further information
Booking is essential until all restrictions are lifted

Weekly Badminton
Fun, friendship and Fellowship and Badminton
Weekly Badminton
Ladies Section every Wednesday afternoon 2.00 – 4.00 pm
Mixed Section every Thursday evening 8.00 – 10.00 pm
We meet in the Kingsbury Hall
Come along for a few games of badminton
Fellowship, fun and a bit of friendly competition
Contact Ian for further information

Little Fishes
Little Fishes
Fun, friendship and Fellowship for ToddlersFriday Little Fishes
FULLY BOOKED, waiting list only
Every Friday 10.00-12.00pm
Come along and spend some time with other families and toddlers
Toys and Friendship
We always have a song, dance and Bible story
Age range 0-4
£2 per family
Contact Mel for booking (essential)
This email is staffed by volunteers