mission priorities 2024
Explore CCPW’s mission priorities for 2024
These are our mission priorities for 2024
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Developing prayer life & spiritual nurture
- To increase the number of individuals who feel comfortable around prayer
- To establish a congregation which will bring all things to God in prayer
- To become a faith filled community of people who on a personal level think deeply about their faith and their relationship with God
- By encouraging individuals within the congregation to write or lead prayers for worship
- By encouraging individuals within the congregation to suggest issues to be prayed about
- By coffering Solace once a month
- By experimenting with ways to engage the congregation in the Christ Church Week of Prayer
- By offering house groups or similar using Walking the Way resources, or bible study groups

welcome & diversity
- To be a church where people feel welcome and that they belong
- To become a church that recognises and celebrates diversity
- To offer safe, attractive and confortable surroundings to those who come to our premises
- By revisiting the Everybody Welcome material and updating the welcome packs as necessary
- By providing training for stewards and elders
- By having welcomers on duty every Sunday
- By creating opportunities for people of all ages to meet socially
- By monitoring and, if necessary improving the comfort and safety of the spaces entered by members and visitors alike

making church relevant & accessible to local families
- To offer ways of being church that will accommodate current lifestyles
- To increase the number of families assocuated with the local church
- To be more visible in our response to global, national and local situations
- By looking at different times and styles of worship
- By “advertising” ways of being involved in the life of the church e.g. Church of Youth, opportunities to engage with the musical life of the church, Luncheon Club and others
- By providing the means for people to ask for prayers for themselves or situations
- By the use of articles in The Gazette
- By use of notice boards, website and social media
- By use of technology in worship

seeking to become a greener church
- To be awarded our GOLD Eco-church status (currently silver)
- By raising awareness of ways in which individuals can reduce/re-use/recycle
- By encouraging every working group to be aware of the eco-church checklist and adopting good practice wherever possible