Mark Dennis is doing a series of six sessions for Christ Church during our intereggnum.
This page will be updated with links to each service as they take place.
“Where are you?” Genesis 3: 8 19 January 2025
Asked of Adam, when he was hiding from God. This question is the start of our relationship with God. Are we open and honest with God? Do we have a relationship with God that enables us to be open and honest in our prayers about our failures and successes? And this question can also be asked about our church life and the relationship our church has with God.
“What is that in your hand?” Exodus 4: 2 23 February 2025
Asked of Moses, when he lacked confidence. What assets do we have? How might we offer them to God for his use? Are we sitting on talents, skills, time, assets that we are reluctant to use? If we offered such things to God, are we willing to be surprised by the way he could transform them and us – and our church?
“What are you doing here?” 1 Kings 19: 9 16 March 2025
Asked of Elijah, when he was hiding out of fear. What do we do in the life of the church? What do we do for God? What do we do for others? Elijah fell into the trap of telling God what he used to do, what he had been doing before he ran away and hid. We shouldn’t live in the past. Concentrate on the present; and how it might lead on to the future.
What are we doing here? What are we doing now?
“What do you see?” Zechariah 4: 2 13 April 2025
Asked of Zechariah, encouraging him to dream and develop a vision of the future. What is our future? Where are we going? What about the future of the church? Where do we see the church going? What kind of a church do we dream of for the future? Are we ready to work to help bring our dreams into reality?
“Can these bones live?” Ezekiel 37: 3 11 May 2025
Asked of Ezekiel when he dreamt of his people of Israel looking like a vast pile of dried up bones – lifeless and powerless. The question is asked to encourage Ezekiel to take a positive view of God’s transforming power. Can we see the potential in others? Will we be supportive when people are struggling? Can we trust God to work with unlikely materials? What do we have doubts and pessimistic thoughts about? Are you willing to let God prove us wrong?
“Who will go for us?” Isaiah 6: 8 13 July 2025
Asked of Isaiah, in quite a well-known passage. What would we say, if God were to ask us the same question, what would you say? “Here I am. Send me!” or “Here I am. Send someone else?” Are we ready and willing to serve other people; our church; and God?