Entrance door info

If attending a Sunday service this takes place in our Sanctuary please use the double doors on Willett Way, near to the corner of Tudor Way, this involves three steps up.

If you need step free access please follow the path round to your right or park in the Tudor Way car park where there are double doors. These doors are locked during the week but when there is a service on you just need to press the handle and open the door to get in. There are no steps from this door.

If attending an event in the lounge please use the door near the defibrulator from the Willett Way car park, you will see some curtained windows near the large single door. The lounge has a lobby area with a disabled toilet with baby change.

If attending the complex for our Kingsbury Hall or Marlborough Hall or if your child is at the Petts Wood Playgroup in the Tudor Room there are double doors with safety glass in them. These should not be left unattended for safety reasons so are usually secured. Whoever is organising the event should be able to let you in. Please do not chock the doors open without being in attendance near the doors. If you are moving in large items such as a bouncy castle you may find you open both doors. It is important that they are closed properly. The video below explains how to make sure the doors are closed properly.


This video explains about how to use the doors to the halls complex at Christ Church URC, Petts Wood correctly. The video is taken from the inside of the door complex at Christ Church. If in any doubt please email [email protected]