Please join us in person and online every Sunday from 10.30am, refreshments will be served after the service and there are activities every Sunday for our Church of Youth.
The service on Sunday 8th December is being led by Mr Martin Leonard and is a gift service raising money for Alternatives East London and bringing gifts for the Salvation Army to be able to distribute to those in need.
Call to Worship
Lighting the Advent Candle
Choir Anthem ‘Hark the glad sound the saviour comes’
Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer
All Age Talk
Hymn R&S 477 Let the be love shared amongst us (sung twice)
Readings Isaiah 11:1-10
Matthew 2:1-12
Hymn R&S 522 From heaven you came (Servant King)
Hymn R&S 373 Lord Jesus Christ
Prayers of Intercession
Hymn R&S 740 Tell out my soul
The Grace
Our YouTube Channel where the service is streamed to is at