Please join us in person and online every Sunday from 10.30am, refreshments will be served after the service and there are activities every Sunday for our Church of Youth.
The service on Sunday 15th December includes our Church of Youth Nativity Service.
Call to Worship and Welcome (Sally C.)
Lighting the Advent Candle (?)
Children Play Musical Instrument
Prayer and The Lord’s Prayer by young people
Hymn R&S 146 Away in a Manger
Short Talk about the flow of the service (Maurice)
Reading: Isaiah 7:14
Video Clip – Station 1: The announcement of a coming King (Luke 1:26-38 & Matt. 1:18-25)
Reading: Isaiah 9:6
Video Clip – Station 2: A baby is born
Hymn R&S 126 O come, O come, Immanuel (Rachel to announce)
Offering (Maurice)
Reading: Isaiah 9:2
Video Clip – Station 3: Poor Shepherds Visit Jesus
Reading: Daniel 2:44
Video Clip – Station 4: The Magi bring gifts to Jesus
Hymn R&S 159 Hark the Herald Angels sing (Rachel to announce)
Christmas Poem
Prayer of Intercession (Sally C.)
Hymn R&S Joy to the world, the Lord is come. (Rachel to announce)
Blessing (Maurice)
Grace (Maurice)
Children Play Musical instruments
Our YouTube Channel where the service is streamed to is at