This service on Sunday 5th of June from 10.30am is led by our Minister, Rev Nadene Snyman,
In person and streamed to YouTube
Order of service:
Call to worship
Choir ‘Move Holy Spirit’
Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer
Children’s address
Notices followed by Offertory
Hymn: Creator God, your love abounds
Children leave during this hymn
Reading 1: Psalm 98 Redux by Revd Carla A. Grosch-Miller
Reading 2: Micah 6.6-8
Hymn R&S 353: There is a wideness in God’s mercy
Hymn R&S 480: The church is like a table
Prayers of Intercession
Hymn: Love Alone (Tune Blaenwern)
Blessing & Grace
Join us for Jubilee Tea after the service – outside in the gardens weather permitting