The service on Sunday 1st December is being led by Rev Bill Bowman and we are delighted to be Inducting & Ordaining new Elders and sharing together in communion.
Order of service:
Lighting of Advent Candle
Call to worship – Choir to Sing – 126 R&S “O come, O come, Immanuel” (verse 1 and refrain)
Hymn – 135 R&S “Joy to the World” (tune “Antioch”)
All-age talk
Hymn – “When He Cometh” (words on screen)
Offering and Dedication
Church of Youth leave for their own activities
The Nature, Faith and Order of the United Reformed Church (Read responsively – 761 R&S)
Ordination and Induction of Elders
Hymn – 532 R&S “Lord of creation, to you be all praise” (tune “Slane” R&S 531)
Reading – Jeremiah 33:10-16 (NIV translation)
Choir to sing 126 R&S verse 6 and refrain
Prayers of Intercession
Communion Hymn – 453 R&S “Let us talents and tongues employ”
Sacrament of Holy Communion (with The Lord’s Prayer)
Hymn – 192 R&S “Thou didst leave thy Throne and thy Kingly Crown”
Choir to sing 126 R&S verse 7 and refrain